Category: <span>Whaling & Dolphin Drive-hunts</span>

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Are those selected for a life in captivity the lucky ones?

Are those selected for a life in captivity the lucky ones?

Holding pens for captured dolphins, Taiji, Japan. At any given moment, hundreds who’ve had their freedom stolen await their sale to marine parks around the world. Photo Credit: LIA/Dolphin Project To a dolphin, captivity is a living hell. That they are somehow ‘luckier’ than those killed outright is debatable. Every year, hundreds of dolphins are...

Whaling vs Farming – Not the Same Thing

Whaling vs Farming – Not the Same Thing

We can debate the injustices of factory farming all we like (and we should), but it doesn’t rise to the level of horror of this.Photo Credit: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Whaling’s supporters believe they’ve got an argument that’s a sure winner, with simple math making their case irrefutable. It invariably goes something like this. How...

Horror Abounds in Taiji

Horror Abounds in Taiji

A place of sadness, injustice, and an utter lack of compassion Taiji is a place of genuine horror. What goes on there, from Sept 1st to Mar 1st of every year, is beyond anything we can conceptualize as part of the routine fabric of life in a modern industrialized nation. It’s a sickness that somehow...