About Us

Protection of the Cetaceans is in Our Power

A well-informed public is the most potent tool we can possess to bring about the change that really impacts the well-being of our cetacean friends.

What does CCA aim to achieve?

Legal rights for all cetaceans
To develop local, national, and global issue-oriented grassroots campaigns to promote recognition of nonhuman animals as beings worthy of moral and legal consideration and with their own inherent interests in freedom from captivity, participation in a community of other members of their species, and the protection of their natural habitats.

Join the race to make the world a better place

Whales, dolphins and porpoises continue to face new and ever-increasing dangers. Illegal whaling, dolphin hunts and entanglement in commercial fishing gear, as well as the effects of climate change and habitat degradation threaten the world’s cetacean population.

What We’re Asking

Join us and get involved
Support – financially when you can, with your volunteerism when possible, and with your voice always – the work being done by the many excellent organizations we talk about on this site.